Wednesday, July 27, 2011


Following my previous post and a revelation the day after... I realized how much importance we give to baggage... no matter what it is literally... whether it be emotional or just plain simple baggage...

So how healthy is baggage???

Well I guess that would depend on how healthy you are in the head... hehe... now but really how healthy can a baggage be... We sometimes so easily say that someone is not ready to be in a relationship because he or she has too much emotional baggage... WOW... heavy word there... But don't we all have baggage...

People who are married.... divorced... single or just in a relationship... baggage is something that is and will always remain there so why so we so categorize it in a box that does not do it justice... i think the weird ones would really be the ones without baggage... how sorry would if be if one did not have an experience that would change their perspective of life forever or atleast for awhile... I think that experience is worth the baggage tag...

Anyhoo... people tend to usually tag me with stuff like.. Devdas... intense... crazy... psycho (i get this a lot) but isn't that what life should be like... atleast once I think it should be all of that...

I know m not perfect... but I also know that I am not quite not normal if I wanted a normal like I would rather be born as a dosmestic cat... now that is normal and boring... but we as human beings and the only beings of the race that can think and bring logic has this utter responsibility and excuse to loose it once in a while and just like it up... well to the limit... but sometimes its just cool to be the rebel and just do things the natural way... emote... I mean if you are angry just get angry or happy just be happy without restriction...

Its the best thing about living a human life being able to express and if you supress the express part of your life... you might as well not live it at all...

Just a thought and I think thoughts no matter how random they are... are still very cooll... because you never know what a silly thought could create...


1 comment:

  1. Hey Nilu! t'was fun to read about your take on baggages. I entirely agree with you and this comes from someone with a lot of extra baggages ;) Great to know that you maintain a blog. Do visit mine sometimes at la? hope all's well in neverland. My love to Simba. Do keep in touch. xxx
