Friday, October 7, 2011


There was a time when we were in love
There was a time when you cared as much
There was a time when we had enough
There was a time when you saw across, above and under
There was a time a time that was there to stand witness
To the ruthless split of soul from right in the middle
Where you ripped out my heart and tried to burn it
You ripped out your soul and sold it
But today I put a brand new heart
Hurting aching making sure I do not forget the times
Times when you hurt me and tried to burn me like I was nothing but something that you bought in the market...
I cared for you, smiled for you cried for you just to be slapped in the face with words and that slickly sliced right in to my eye...
Making me blind
Blind enough to not see anything but only feel
so now I replaced my eyes too
In the same place so that I can see but without forgetting how you hit me...
I keep my scars open to salt so that every time you say something sweet I know its gonna hurt

There was a time when you asked me " will You always love me like this?"
I answered yes always only to know that I would be the only one loving you like this while you go into the arms of another and ask the same question over and over to another and then another

There was a time...
But time don't wait for no body and I roll with the times
I move forward in time with time but never forgetting what is behind
Ashes of my burnt heart which I gave you so willingly only to realize that you would spit in it

There was a time and that time is no more.
Just the same way that you are no more.
Just the same way that I am no more.

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